The products listed here have been evaluated as safer cleaners and degreasers by experienced toxicology firms and evaluated against industry-leading certification programs. With guidance from expert advisors, ChemWorks has set requirements for approving certification programs. These requirements are designed to ensure that certification programs apply best practices for quality assurance, and that resulting certified products meet or exceed minimum safety and health criteria resulting in products that are protective of worker health and the environment and based on best scientific practices.

  • Supplier engagement in health and safety begins at the earliest stages of product design all the way through to product procurement. ChemWorks resources include ChemFORWARD and the approved certification programs. ChemFORWARD provides opportunities to prescreen formulations and to find safer alternative ingredients to optimize formulations. Once optimized, products can be approved for inclusion on the ChemWorks registry by approved certification bodies. Once on the registry, theycan be readily identified for preferred purchasing programs by the supply chain. Using the ChemWorks resources, suppliers can design with safer ingredients from the start or reformulate using safer alternatives to optimize products that are protective of human and environmental health based on robust scientific criteria.

    Safer cleaners and degreasers are free of carcinogenic, mutagenic and reproductive toxicants (CMR), strong irritant or sensitisers, persistent organic pollutants (POPs), persistent or bioaccumulative and ozone-depleting substances and must also have low flammability and meet strict China VOC regulations.


*Updated November, 2024 - New Certified Cleaners Coming Soon